
Carrie and her team love nothing better than co-hosting with nature from our site nr Cirencester and Stroud. Whatever the time of year - from  riotous run arounds, favourite stories that come alive outside, bushcraft, survival, den building, greenwood working built into a theme of your child's choosing-  we work with you to tailor make each party unique and special.   Parents - the kettle is on! 



  • the children! age 5 + parties where edge tools * are used, children must be 8+

  • minimum 1-2 adults to stay

  • party food - currently, we are suggesting that parents provide a simple packed lunch


  • 3 hours of structured and free fun in a beautiful setting ( you might be surprised how quick it goes!)

    4 hours + available for older children

  • campfire

  • wide games

  • tools and craft activity*

  • marshmallows (of course) and drinks

  • printable party invitations

  • cups, plates, cooking equipment should you wish to cook sausages over the fire

    *basic hand tools: scissors, hand saws, hammers and, palm drills

    *edged tools: axe, knife, drawknife


  • £160 for up to 10 children

  • additional children £16 per child - max 16


Hailey Wood Saw Mill nr Cirencester GL7 6LA