
Very often the birthday child has an idea of what they would like and we love to work with you to make that happen. Here are some simple theme ideas which we can expand on and weave into a story or adventure that your child has in mind. If you would like to know more please do contact us

CRAFT: elder jewellery, log animals, string art, willow weaving, gnomes and faeries using scavenged and found materials .

den building at Hailey Wood

den building at Hailey Wood

CONSTRUCTION: den build on a large scale with natural resources and survival tarps. On a small scale construct faery and elf houses.

make your own flatbread

make your own flatbread



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COOKING: make your own flat bread dough to cook over the fire.

FIRELIGHTING: learn how where to find wood for a fire and have a go lighting.

TOOLS: bows and arrows, spears, crossbows